Tuesday, May 21, 2013

DevOps: Making Fast Deployments of Java Servers using Maven and Nexus

A Warning: this post is theoretical. I have never tried something like this yet. Maybe I will try it in the future. But currently it's just a nice idea.
In addition, if you know about somebody who works in a similar way, I would really like to know. So please comment!

If you provide a SAAS service you probably have multiple Java servers running in some sort of a cluster. If your SAAS solution is complicated, and if your solution is multi-tier, you should have multiple servers types. And now comes a question: How to make quick deployments to the production?

The common solution suggests that you build a package and release it. It might be a war, or a zip, or a rpm if you are running on Linux.
Once released, you upload the package to the server, unzip/copy it to the relevant folder and restart the server.

The problem with this solution might be if your packages are large. (And if you are using OSGi, your packages are usually very large!) So the upload itself takes time. It also uses traffic which might become expensive if you perform a lot of deployments. And the really funny thing is that most of the upload is redundant: most of the jars in your package are third parties that do not change between the deployments at all!

The common solution suggests pre-uploading the third party jars to the server and exclude them from the package. I've seen such a solutions and in my opinion they are the exact opposite of a good solution: in this way you split the package, the third parties become manages in two (sometimes more) places and each deployment involves at least additional (probably manual!) step of checking if the third parties were changed and if additional deployment if third parties is required.

But if you use Maven. And if you upload your released packages to Nexus (or actually any other Maven repository). This Nexus repository contains all the third parties, all the released packages and the most important: The pom file that was used to build your project!
If you download this pom file, you will be able to build the package on the production server! Pay attention that you don't need to do the full build that includes the compilation, testing and so on. You just need your package, so considering that you deploy a war, you only need to run the "mvn war:war" (Once again: I never tried it myself and the actual execution might be more complex, but I think that the idea is clear).
Sometimes, if you a running a java application with a main class (pure old java and not some kind of JEE inside the application server or a servlet container), you don't even need a package, you just need a correct classpath and Maven will be happy to assist you: mvn dependency:build-classpath.

So I guess that the idea is clear now. Each time Maven will download only the relevant jars and save them to the local repository. The dependencies are managed in the same pom file that is used to release the application, so when making a package, or creating a classpath on a production machine, the exact same dependencies will be used.
And the deployment process will become much faster!

I know that this idea is somewhat different from the usual process. Instead of doing some like "build, deploy, run", we do something that might look even more complicated: "build, deploy descriptor only, package, run". But this should be much faster. So I definitely think that this idea is worth trying.

P.S. The idea described in this post relates only to the package itself: building, packaging and running. The deployment may contains additional steps like changing the local configuration files and so on. These steps are not covered here as they are usually not covered in a build process, but part of release notes. The possible solution can be deploying the relevant scripts to Nexus repository and somehow describe them in a pom file. When downloading the pom, the relevant scripts will be also downloaded and executed.

P.P.S. The idea also doesn't cover the tool that makes the whole process. Although it describes that the tool is using Maven, it says nothing about the actual implementation. It might be a java process. Or a shell script. Or even Ant.

P.P.P.S. Notice that downloading files from Nexus using Maven makes important checks for you, for example it makes an integrity check, which is very important in case of a bad network between the Nexus with releases and a production site.
In addition, you can make some optimizations on Nexus. For example, if you have several production sites all over the world, each site may have a Nexus pointing to the main release repository and caching it. This will make the deployments even faster.

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